Payment and currencies

Local organization expenses
Eurobot Association fees
ATM service
Currency exchange

Local organization expenses

In case you need to pay anything to the local organizers (e.g. for accommodation or meals) - all payments should be done in cash and in rubles. No other means is accepted. The change value is about 40 rur/eur.

We encourage you to prepare the expected amount of payment for your team beforehand to be able to pay for your expenses on your arrival to get enough vouchers etc. Though there will be time while the teams are coming during the first day or two, we expect teams to pay on registration.

Eurobot Association fees

Eurobot Association will accept Euros in cash from teams who still have to pay their fees.

ATM service

In case you are considering how much money to bring with you and how much to convert, there is an option to use an international bank card. You can get money in local currency from ATMs at these addresses:

Near the Arena Near Astrakhan State University
Ул. Николая Островского, 73 Ул. Татищева, 2
Ул. Николая Островского, 74 Ул. Татищева, 16 - function of receiving cash
Ул. Николая Островского, 111 Ул Татищева, 16в
Ул. Николая Островского, 146 - at hypermarket "Лента" Ул. Татищева, 22к2 / Латышева, 2 - function of receiving cash
Ул. Николая Островского, 160 к2

Currency exchange

The official currency used in Russia is Ruble. Euros and US dollars are common currencies to exchange from in a bank or a special exchange office, however unfavorable exchange rates may apply.

Sberbank of Russia, common help service: (8512) 32-13-21; 32-11-40 ;

Near the Arena Near Astrakhan State University
Ул. Николая Островского, 74 (8512) 32-64-71;
Ул. Николая Островского, 160 к2 (8512) 32-64-09;
Ул. Татищева, 22 к2 / Латышева, 2
(8512) 32-64-65

The competition

Matches 'n ratings
